14 December 2021 – Ecological and social transition and social inequalities reduction

While it is essential to put environmental protection and sustainable development first, the challenges are not the same everywhere. In some parts of the world, social and ecological transition needs to be accompanied by major changes in the economic and social system. In these regions, the main objective remains social inequalities reduction. Through measures in agriculture or by promoting access to green energy sources, it is possible to respond to this objective while preserving the environment.

During this session we presented 5 initiatives located in 5 different regions of the world.

Axel Detammaecker introduced us to France Active, a network of associations that finance impact projects and inclusive entrepreneurship projects.

To find out more about the offer, the impact and certain projects funded by France Active, download the presentation broadcast during the webinar (document in French).

Presentation – France Active

Indu Krishnamurthy introduced us to Microcrédit Montréal, an organization located in Quebec that offers entrepreneurs and professionals trained abroad local support and access to microcredit.

To learn more about the offer, the impact and certain projects financed by Microcrédit Montréal, download the presentation broadcast during the webinar (document in French).

Presentation – Microcrédit Montréal

Alfonso Cotera presented to us what fair trade in Peru brings to the ecological and social transition.

To learn more about the Peruvian fair-trade network, its actions and its principles, download the presentation broadcast during the webinar (document in Spanish).

Presentation – Alfonso Cotera

Denise Fatoumata Ndour introduced us to Sen’Finances, a Public Utility Foundation whose mission is to “Contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of marginalized and disadvantaged populations in Senegal”.

To find out more about the Senegalese context, the Sen’Finances offer and the impacts of its action, download the presentation broadcast during the webinar (document in French).

Presentation – Sen’Finances

Rasha Qawasmi introduced us to ASALA for Credit and Development, a Palestinian organization whose mission is to contribute to the promotion and empowerment of women and young people who earn modest incomes by providing them with appropriate financial services to establish and develop productive projects, create jobs and thus contribute to the fight against lasting poverty in Palestine.

To learn more about the Palestinian context, ASALA’s offer and the impact of its action, download the presentation broadcast during the webinar.

Presentation – ASALA

Video of the session


Milder Villegas


Milder Villegas is a Quebecois of Peruvian origin. He holds a MBA from UQAM and has over 25 years of experience in the field of finance, both traditional and solidarity finance. His career has led him to sit on many boards of organizations evolving in economic and social development. Since 2011, he is the General Director of Filaction, a development fund that supports Quebec SMEs, particularly in the areas of social economy, culture, tourism and diversity entrepreneurship. He is motivated by values of inclusion and access to opportunities regardless of race or socioeconomic profile. During his career, he has always been the promoter of alternative and innovative solutions that make the difference. In May 2015, he was appointed President of the International Association of Investors in the Social Economy (INAISE), an international network of some forty financial institutions around the world. He is also a board member of the International Free Software Association and CIRIEC Canada (Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research and Information Center).

Denise Fatoumata Ndour

General Administrator
Sen’Finances Foundation

Mrs. Denise Fatoumata NDOUR is the General Administrator of the Sen’Finances Foundation, a structure working for the financial inclusion of Senegalese populations. It capitalizes on more than twenty years of experience in microfinance and support to micro, small and medium enterprises. She holds a Master’s degree in Econometrics obtained at the University of Aix-Marseille, a DESS in Management Computer Science from the Institute of Business Administration of Lyon, and the Financial Institutions for Private Enterprise Development ( FIPED) Program Grade “from Harvard University. She attended various microfinance courses and seminars, including those organized by CGAP. She has written several contributions related to microfinance and SME financing issues, and contributed to the writing of the book “Experiences of Microfinance in Senegal” published by Karthala in 2012.

Indu Krishnamurthy

Executive Director
Microcrédit Montréal

It is the desire for social impact that led Indu Krishnamurthy to get involved with Microcrédit Montréal in 2006. It is by leading the organization today that she pursues its mission to offer loans and support for those who are left out by the traditional funding network. A McGill-HEC Montreal EMBA graduate, she has extensive experience in finance, business management, corporate relations and strategic planning. She currently sits on the board of directors of PME-MTL Center-Ville and on the social development investment committee of Centraide of Greater Montreal. Indu is a woman of action with a lucid vision and it is with passion that she is committed to building a more inclusive and prosperous Quebec.

Rasha Qawasmi

Executive Manager
Asala for Credit and Development

Rasha Qawasmi is a leading Palestinian finance expert and one of the most senior female executives in the Palestinian business community. She serves as the Executive Manager of Asala for Credit and Development, one of the main Palestinian Microfinance Lending Companies, and the only one that focuses on Women. Asala works to support and empower women and youth, to provide appropriate financial services to establish projects and create permanent opportunities, thus achieving sustainable development and fighting poverty in Palestine. Before joining Asala, Rasha served as the Head of Finance Department at Palestine Investment Fund “PIF”. Palestine’s largest institutional investor with around one billion dollars of assets under management and with diverse investments in key economic sectors such as telecommunications, real estate, energy and SMEs. During that time, she also served on the board of Asala for Credit and Development in addition to other companies such as; “Transcend Support”, a call center and outsourcing solutions provider. The Grand Park Hotels Company, a local hotel management company with hotels under management in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah; Tri-Fitness Company, a local gym operator; and a Board member of Yabous for Tourism Investments Company, one of Palestine’s largest investors in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Rasha holds a B.A. in accounting from Birzeit University, Palestine and an EMBA degree from Kellogg School of Management and Recanati School of Management. She is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA).

Axel Detammaecker

Research manager
France Active

Graduated in political science and economics, I have had various international experiences (Africa, South America) in economics and solidarity finance. I am currently a research fellow at France Active.

Alfonso Cotera

Executive Director
Peruvian Fair Trade and Ethical Consumption Network

He is Executive Director of the Peruvian Fair Trade and Ethical Consumption Network (RPCJyCE) and founder of the Group Red de Economía Solidaria del Perú (GRESP), Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), and the Latin American Coordination Table Fair Trade (MCLACJ), among others. He is a consultant in projects of social development, solidarity economy, fair trade, ecological markets, management of social organizations, planning and local development, livelihood development strategies in disaster risk management. He has written production of various books and documents, several of them published in Spanish, French, Portuguese and English.