MCE Conseils
MCE Conseils was founded in 1987 with the mission of offering high-quality management services,
expertise and advice in support of innovative projects.
The objective of MCE is to support the social economy, better economic conditions of workers and help the
integration of poor population in the economic activity in a perspective of social justice.
These services target businesses, institutions, unions, cooperatives and social economy enterprises :
Workers groups or promoters from the community who wants advice and training to study the
feasibility of scenarios to create and/or revitalize businesses or sectors.
Cooperatives and social economy enterprises with advises to increase their performance in a
collective property context
Networks to reinforce their capacity and technical and financial support to their member
organisations and enterprises
MCE is also involved in international co-operation, planning and evaluation of projects through
training and technical exchanges.
- Economics and marketing
- Finance and accounting
- Management and organizational structure
- Business training
- Planning and project evaluation
MCE wants to collaborate with other INAISE members in the fields of :
- Strategic studies,Management support for social economy project
- Project planification, monitoring, management and evaluation
- Technical support for international cooperation (technical and financial projects)
- Micro finance
- Market and Strategic planning for INAISE members
Country : Canada
Type of member : Associate
Type of organization : Consultant
Website : http://www.mceconseils.com