SIDI, the Investment Company for International Development, was established by the French NGO, CCFD (French Committee Against Hunger and for Development )in 1983, to strengthen its intervention in the economic field. Since then, SIDI has developed partnerships with more than 100 financial institutions specialised in support to micro and small enterprises, as welle as producers’ organizations, in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.

SIDI is specialised in the financial and technical support of microfinance institutions: it aims to promote viable economic activities and to foster the establishment of a social and economic environment capable of promoting sustainable development.

Its portfolio amounts to 15.4 million Euros as of end of 2013. In 2012, SIDI’s network of partners disbursed loans (ranging from 50 to 5,000 Euro) to more than 1.3 million micro and small enterprises in developing countries.

But the results of SIDI’s intervention are not exclusively financial :

  • It maintains its partnerships in areas in crisis (Democratic Republic of Congo,  Guinea, Liban, Palestine, Haïti…).
  • It works with its partners towards a supervision of their social dimension, for a better social added value vis-à-vis the beneficiaries.
  • It develops new intervention tools (for fair trade, solar equipment…)
  • It mobilises funds from northern allies and funding agencies. More than 1.8 million euros have been made available for partners between 2009 and 2010.

Working Sectors:

1. Financial support :
* Consolidation of financial resources of the partners
* Equity investment Loans
* Loans
* Guarantees
* Grants negotiated with international donors

2. Support and follow up:
* Reinforcement of operational capacities of partners
* Governance and institutional support (participation in the governing and decision-making)
* Support and advice in the internal organisation (design of business plan, employee training)
* Support to operational activities (design of sustainable financial services)

3. Research and development:
* Complete SIDI’s financial and technical assistance
* Elaboration of methodological tools and support to the decision • Capitalisation
* Networking
* Social performances research and programs with local partners.


Country : France

Type of member : Full membership

Type of organization : Social finance institution

Website :