Successes, challenges, and perspectives of social finance in an era of transition


From September 27 to 30, 2022 in hybrid form.

Online Program

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General objective

To promote analysis, reflection and exchange of experiences on the successes, challenges and perspectives of social finance, with the aim of integrating socio-environmental aspects into financial decisions.

Specific objectives

  • Promote the exchange of experiences on solidarity finance in order to strengthen economic processes to face the health crisis and the post-pandemic situation.
  • Integrate economic and social resilience issues in institutional decisions that promote alternative practices to improve the living conditions of rural communities.
  • Promote actions that contribute to the ecological, social and technological transition of financial organizations as a link of integration and sustainability between the economy and society.
  • To provide opportunities for knowledge transfer in social and solidarity economy, social finance and governance.

Thematic axes

  1. Solidarity finance experiences to face the health crisis and post-pandemic
  2. Economic and social resilience
  3. Ecological and social transition


Executives, general managers, managers and technical staff of public and private financial institutions; consultants; national and international experts and/or specialists; cooperation agencies; development banks and organizations working closely with the social and solidarity economy.

Organizing member
