Ir hacia:
- Microfinance
- Research Institutes
- Islamic Finance
- Social Finance Organisations
- Social Finance Organisations
- Organisations supporting
- Social Economy
- A blog on micro finance developed by Benoît Granger, MicFin
- CGAP has launched the Microfinance Regulation and Supervision Resource Center. The result of two years’ collaboration between CGAP and the IRIS Center at the University of Maryland, the site brings together a wealth of information in a user-friendly form. If you want to find the laws governing microfinance in Brazil or Zimbabwe, learn about legal reform in Bosnia or check licensing requirements in Morocco, it’s all there. Offering a library with recommended reading, country profiles for 50 developing and transitional countries and a database for comparing regulation and supervision it can be a great resource. If there are other features you’d find useful or updates you would suggest, please email your suggestions to: .
- Portail Microfinance: CGAP, GRET, and ADA are pleased to announce the grand opening of the Portail Microfinance, a French language gateway serving microfinance practitioners. The site gives you access to over 600 documents and tools; daily news on industry happenings; links to industry newsletters and microfinance FAQs; information on training opportunities and events, and hosts a job market. The site is specifically tailored to French-speaking microfinance practitioners and stakeholders who are invited to enrich the Portail Microfinance with their contributions! For more information, send an email to:contact@lamicrofinance.orgMicrofinance Gateway The Microfinance Gateway is the premier source of information for and about the microfinance industry. It includes research and publications, specialized resource centers, organization and consultant profiles, and the latest news, events, and job opportunities in microfinance
- Virtual Library on Microcredit – A comprehensive set of Microfinance and microcredit links and resources.
- ABCRED: Brasilian Microcredit association regrouping organisations active in delivering micro credit, social and solidarity based finance.ADIE Association pour le Droit a l’Initiative Economique (leading French microfinance organisation)
- ACCION is an international leader in the field of microfinance, ACCION International is an umbrella organization for a network of microlending institutions in 16 Latin American countries, five African countries and seven U.S. states.
- ANDC National Association for the right to credit, Lisbon, Portugal
- AQUADEV is an International Non Governmental Organisation and a non-profit Research Office. They are specialised in feasibility studies, projects or programs realisations which aims to reinforce their southern partner’s organisational decision capacities. Their partners are encouraged to organise themselves through activities generating supplementary revenues in a sustainable way in the following domains: Micro finance, Agro-Alimentary and Environment.
- ADfinance (pdf file -146Ko): the main task of ADFinance is to help and support emerging structures, offering financial services to impoverished populations. The aim is to strengthen the viability of these structures, making it so possible to register a lasting impact on their members
- Adbanking is a Microfinance management software set up by Aquadev.
- CERISE – Le Comité d’Echanges, de Réflexion et d’Information sur les systèmes d’Epargne – Crédit (CERISE) est une plate forme d’échanges sur les expériences et les savoir-faire en micro finance pour appréhender les enjeux de demain et améliorer les pratiques. Pour joindre le secrétariat
- CGAP Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP)
- CGAP IS : improved Information Systems service on CGAP website and on the Microfinance Gateway. This service has 5 main components: Software review, Help Desk, Documents and Links.
- Epargne Sans Frontiere (ESF)
- Etimos – collect savings to finance micro credit programmes in Southern countries – website in Italian
- Foncap S.A. Fondo de Capital Social
- Grameen Foundation
- Grameen Bank the original (modern times) microcredit organisation
- Microfinance Centre for CEE and the NIS : membership-based network and provider of training and consulting services. Their mission is to promote the development of a strong and sustainable micro-fiance sector in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
- REM – EMN : Réseau de la Microfinance en Europe – European Microfinance Network
- Microfinance Impact Assessment Centre, a joint initiative of CGAP and the Imp-Act project. New resource center aimed at microfinance practitioners, donors, NGOs, academics and interested people. The purpose of the Centre is to provide guidance on impact assessment methodology in microfinance and assist practitioners to develop impact assessment systems. The Centre also provides a wide range of resources, including case studies, technical papers, news and debates on current issues.
- Micro Finance Network – consists of 29 members, including 26 practitioners in developing countries and 2 support institutions based in North America
- Microcredit Summit with the goal of reaching 100 million of the world’s poorest families by 2005
- Oikocredit – support workers enterprises in developing regions all over the world by the way of loans, guarantee and investments
- Planet Finance Supporting Microfinance initiatives (new website)
- Planet Finance South Asia – Information gateway for microfinance sector in south Asia region. Contains information about Microfinance Organizations, Funding Agencies having fund for microfinance program, Technical assistance providers, networks and consultants from or active in the south Asian countries. Also check out collection of books and articles, FAQs, Financial Ratios, glossary of terms and share your opinion on Discussion Forums and More.
- Portosol – Porto Alegre, Brésil – Portosol est une institution communautaire de crédit qui appuie le développement des petites entreprises et indépendants, en leur donnant accès au crédit. Ses activités s’étendent sur tout Porto Alegre (1 400 000 habitants) et la vallée du Rio do Sinos, soit une population totale d’ environ 3 600 000 habitants. Portosol is a community credit institution supporting the development of small enterprises and self employed people by giving them access to credit. Its activities cover the city of Porto Alegre (1 400 000 inhabitants) and the Rio do Sinos valley, which represents a global population of 3 600 000 inhabitants.
- MEDA Investments Inc. offers North American investors the opportunity to help alleviate poverty by supporting low-income communities in developing regions through Development Finance initiatives. MEDA Investments Inc. manages the Sarona Global Investment Fund and co-founded the MicroVest Fund, which provides capital to microfinance banks throughout the world.
- SIFRA aims to construct a south mediterranean network of all Micro Finance Institutions and micro credit NGO’s, more specifically dedicated to the economic development of women. Email the contact person.
- SIPROMICRO information system on micro enterprises in Central America (Spanish)
- SOS Faim micro finance in Africa and Latin America through local partners (information in French, English and Spanish)
- Street UK planned microfinance pilot in 3 regions of the UK
- Sustainable Banking with the Poor – a World Bank Project
- Women’s World Banking
Research Institutes
- ABCRED: Brasilian Microcredit association regrouping organisations active in delivering micro credit, social and solidarity based finance.
- Alternative Finance Website: offers grey literature on all aspects of alternative and micro-finance available in both English and in Spanish, updates news on the latest microfinance conferences, jobs and training opportunities.
- The Asian network on micro insurance –AMIN-, has released its website.
- ASrIA Forum: Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia
- ADFIAP is the focal point of all development banks and other financial institutions engaged in the financing of development in the Asia-Pacific region. Its mission is to advance sustainable development through its members. Founded in 1976, ADFIAP has currently 67 member-institutions in 33 countries.
- Bank secrets: INAISE member Netwerk Vlaanderen and Banktrack (global network of civil society organisations and individuals tracking the operations of the private financial sector (commercial banks, investors, insurance companies, pension funds) and its effect on people and the planet) launch a new website where you can have information on investment made by 13 mainstream banks.
- Canadian Community reinvestment Coalition / Coalition canadienne pour le réinvestissement communautaire (CCRC)
- CDFA : The cdfa is the trade association for Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs) in the United Kingdom. CDFIs are sustainable, independent financial institutions that provide capital and support to enable individuals or organisations to develop and create wealth in disadvantaged communities or under-served markets.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Europe is a business-driven membership network whose mission is to help companies combine profitability and sustainability by making corporate social responsibility a cornerstone of the way they operate.
- EIRIS The Ethical Investment Research Service. Covers a huge range of issues relevant to individual investors, financial advisers and city professionals. UK
- FEBEA European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks – Fédération Européenne des banques Ethiques et Alternatives, membre d’Inaise – More information – member profile
- FETS information center and network on ethical finance in Catalunya, Spain
- Finansol French SRI Network
- FOROLAC-FR: Foro Latinoamerica y del Caribe en Finanzas Rurales member of INAISE
- IADB – The Inter-American Initiative of Social Capital, Ethics and Development is intended to strengthen ethical values and social capital in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
- INAFI International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions is a global network of practitioner organisations in Latin America
- Ethical Investing News and Services by Investing for the Soul: Global ethical investing news, insightful commentary, key links, books, services, and free newsletter. Resources for ethical and socially responsible investors and investment professionals, Canada
- KNFP Konsèy Nasyonal Finansman Popilè, Haiti – membre d’Inaise – More information – member profile
- MAIN: Microfinance African Institutions Network More information – member profile
- Microffinance Centre for CEE and the NIS : membership-based network and provider of training and consulting services. Their mission is to promote the development of a strong and sustainable micro-finance sector in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
- Opportunity Finance Network formerly National Community Capital Association (USA), the key network for community finance in the US, with excellent training and «how to do it» manuals.
- NESsT: NESsT’s mission is to further the financial sustainability of CSOsworking for social change and development through the use of entrepreneurial, self-financing strategies. The NESsT Venture Fund is a philanthropic investment fund providing financial and capacity-building support to a select portfolio of social enterprises owned and operated by civil society organizations in Central Europe and Latin America
- REM – EMN : Réseau de la Microfinance en Europe – European Microfinance Network
- RCDEC – Réseau canadien de développement économique communautaire
- RIPESS : Réseau Intercontinental de Promotion de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire
- SEN: The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
- SIFRA aims to construct a south mediterranean network of all Micro Finance Institutions and micro credit NGO’s, more specifically dedicated to the economic development of women.Email the contact person
- SVN Europe is a network of socially and environmentally engaged entrepreneurs dedicated to changing the way the world does business. The network creates opportunities for learning, partnerships, and launching new ventures, and is associated with SVN United States and SVN Asia.
- UK Social Investment Forum Links together community finance organisations, social investors, ethical financial advisors, stockmarket green and ethical funds and social banks
- US Social Investment Forum The original model for social investment networks, that inspired UKSIF
- VBDO : FR- La Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling est l’association néerlandaise rassemblant les groupes financiers néerlandais ayant pour objectif de promouvoir le développement durable. Le VBDO édite diverses publications et mène chaque année une recherche sur l’état du marché néerlandais de l’Investissement Socialement Responsable. Le site reprend l’ensemble des études menées ou cofinancées par le VBDO. EN- VBDO is the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development. Since her start in 1995 VBDO is actively engaging with Dutch listed companies on corporate social responsibility (CSR). For VBDO CSR is one of the main drivers for shareholder returns in the long term. VBDO is a not for profit association open to membership of financial institutions, service providers and private investors. On their website you will also find researchs led by or co-financed by VBDO.
Islamic Finance
- Complementary Currency ressouce Center: all you ever wanted to know about complementary currencies….
- a (mostly) German language money site
- Islamic Banking The Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance is one of the world’s leading independent academic and research organisation solely dedicated to the promotion and implementation of Islamic finance
- LetsEurope is a new website launched by Lets Vlaanderen in Belgium, to give an interactive tool to Lets administrators, members, lawyers etc. Everybody who wants to add information on this site is free to do so (post links, write an article, participate in the forums…)
- Red Global de Trueque Global Barter Network
- WIR Swiss Barter Bank created in 1934
Social Finance Organisations
- ADA website – interesting source of information on micro finance in Africa
- ADIE Association pour le Droit à l’Initiative Economique website
- Alterfin‘s purpose is to contribute to the expansion of a durable financial network in the South – email, website
- Alterfinanz (see Etika)
- Alternative Bank ABS website
- ASN Bank More information – member profile
- Aspire website
- Aston Reinvestment Trust website
- Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG Website
- Banca Etica Website
- BBK Solidarioa Fundazioa (Spain)
- BSS Korea: website The Social Solidarity Bank (called as SSB), a micro-credit institution in Korea, is a non-government organization (NGO) established to aid the poor who are running or planning to start a micro-enterprise.
- BURO, Tangail More information – member profile
- CDVCA USA – Community Development Venture Capital Alliance is the trade association for the community development venture capital industry
- Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins, Québec More information – member profile
- CFI Compagnia Finanziaria Industriale More information – member profile
- Charity Bank (UK) More information – member profile
- Citizen Bank More information – member profile
- Credal Website
- Clann Credo Fund More information – member profile
- Community Sector Banking Australia: Community Sector Banking, is the result of a joint venture between Bendigo Bank Ltd and Community 21 Ltd, a company owned by community sector organisations website member of INAISE
- Coopfond More information – member profile
- Coopec Kalundu More information -member profile
- Cutura Sparebank, Norway More information -member profile
- DOEN Foundation suports projects all over the world helping nature and environment, development cooperation and human rights Website
- Ecology Building Society: mutual building society dedicated to improving the environment by promoting sustainable housing and sustainable communities website
- Ekobanken More information – member profile
- Etika (former Alterfinanz) based in Luxemburg, helps associations and foundations in the ecological, social and international solidarity areas More information – member profile
- Etimos, Italy – collect savings to finance micro credit programmes in Southern countries website
- Fédération des Cigales (France) Website
- FIARE Basque Foundation promoting responsible savings and investment – Website – Inaise Member profile
- Folade Fondo Latinoamericano de Desarrollo website
- FIG – IGF Fonds de Garantie International – International Guarantee Fund – active in Latin America and in Africa. Website
- Filaction, Québec, Canada: More information – member profile coming soon (visit their website)
- Fonkoze Haiti, an alternative bank in Haiti offering essential financial services to the entrepreneurs who cannot access finance website
- Freie Gemeinschaftsbank BCL website
- GLS Gemeinschaftsbank More information – member profile
- ICOF Industrial Common Ownership Finance website
- Integra VentureMore information – member profile
- International Guarantee Fund (IGF) website
- Investors in community (IIC) est un intermédiaire financier majeur en ce qui concerne le financement éthique et social en Australie. Pour informations ou
- Investors in community (IIC) is a leading Australia ethically and socially responsible financial intermediary. For further information about Community Sector Banking services contact; Robyn Flood, Customer Services Manager, Investors in Community (as agent for Community Sector Banking) or
- JAK (Denmark) website
- London Rebuilding Society: LRS specialises in providing (investment/finance) and (technical support and assistance) to socially driven enterprises in the Greater London
- Maleny Credit Union (Australia) Website
- MAG 2 Finance website
- Merkur – den Almennyttige Andelskasse More information – member profile
- Netwerk Vlaanderen website
- Nordiska Sparlan Website
- Oikocredit – More information – member profile – support workers enterprises in developing regions all over the world by the way of loans, guarantee and investmentswebsite
- Osuuskunta Eko-Osuusraha More information – member profile
- Prometheus Foundation website
- Réseau Financement Alternatif More information – member profile
- Root Capital: Former EcoLogic Finance is a non-profit offering affordable financial services to community-based businesses operating in environmentally sensitive areas of Latin America, Africa and South Asia.
- Shared Interest website
- SIDI Société d’Investissement. et de Développement International More information – member profile
- Social Capital Partners SCP is a newly established, venture philanthropy organization created in 2001 to invest in and incubate revenue-generating social enterprises that employ populations outside the economic mainstream in Canada. Visit their web site
- Société Financière de la NEF More information – member profile
- Sitawi – Brazil More information – member profile
- Tallaght Trust Fund Ltd. (Ireland) Website
- Takuu-Säätiö More information INAISE advocate
- Triodos Bank More information – member profile
- Triodos Bank (Belgium) More information – member profile
- Triodos Bank (UK) More information – member profile
- Triodos Bank (Spain) More information – member profile
- Full Circle Fund website WEETU (Women’s Employment Enterprise & Training Unit)
- Western Development Commission website
- Western Scotland Regeneration Fund (Developing Strathclyde) website
- Women’s World Banking website
Social Finance Organisations
- Cecop Confédération Européenne des Coopératives de Production et de Travail Associé, des Coopératives Sociales et des Entreprises Participatives – European Confederation of Workers’ Co-operatives, Social Cooperatives and Participative Enterprises
- Chantier d’économie sociale, Québec
- CJDES Centre des Jeunes dirigeants de l’Economie Sociale, France
- CRES PACA La Chambre Régionale de l’Economie Sociale a pour objet de promouvoir l’économie sociale, d’en affirmer et faire connaître la spécificité en Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. Elle a récemment développé un site dédié à l’économie sociale en région PACA qui contient de nombreuses informations et liens (acteurs, finances solidaires etc…)
- CSR Center: global portal for students in corporate responsibility and sustainability. The goal of CSR Center is to create a focal point for CSR-related knowledge, students and practice
- ETHIBEL is an independent consultancy agency for socially responsible investments that advices banks and brokers offering ethical savings accounts and investment funds
- EMMES Réseau d’Universités et de Centres de recherche sur l’Émergence d’Entreprises Sociales en Europe – A European Universities and research Centres network on the Emergence of Social Enterprises in Europe
- Fundacion para el Fomento de la Economia Social – Foundation for the Promotion of the Social Economy (Spain – website in Spanish, brochure available in Spanish, English, and French)
- Johns Hopkins Comparative Non-profit Sector Project The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project is a systematic effort to analyze the scope, structure, financing, and role of the private nonprofit sector in a cross-section of countries around the world in order to improve our knowledge and enrich our theoretical understanding of this sector, and to provide a sounder basis for both public and private action towards it
- International Co-operative Association – includes information and research on co-operative banking and Credit Unions
- Mondragon homepage (Spain)
- SCOP Entreprises (site web de la Confédération générale des sociétés coopératives de production en France)
- Social Enterprise Coalition, national body for social enterprise in the UK. They have developed an extensive website with a range of support resources, including links publications, local resources, etc…all for social enterprises in the UK.
Organisations supporting or developing social finance – Training & Research
- AQUADEV : Organisation Non Gouvernementale Internationale et bureau d’études non marchand agréés, Aquadev est spécialisée dans les études de faisabilité et la réalisation de projets ou programmes qui visent à renforcer la capacité décisionnelle d’organisations partenaires dans les pays du Sud. Ses partenaires sont encouragés à s’organiser autour d’activités générant de façon durable des revenus supplémentaires dans les domaines suivants: Microfinance, Agro-alimentaire et Environnement. Depuis 1999 Aquadev a développé une cellule d’appui institutionnelle à la microfinance : ADFinance.
- ADFinance a pour mission de venir en appui à des structures émergentes qui offrent des services financiers à des populations défavorisées, en vue de renforcer la viabilité de ces structures et ainsi assurer un impact durable sur leurs membres.
- Aquadev a également mis au point un logiciel de gestion en microfinance ADbanking.
- AQUADEV is an International Non Governmental Organisation and a non-profit Research Office. They are specialised in feasibility studies, projects or programs realisations which aims to reinforce their southern partner’s organisational decision capacities. Their partners are encouraged to organise themselves through activities generating supplementary revenues in a sustainable way in the following domains: Micro finance, Agro-Alimentary and Environment.
- ADfinance : the main task of ADFinance is to help and support emerging structures, offering financial services to impoverished populations. The aim is to strengthen the viability of these structures, making it so possible to register a lasting impact on their members
- Adbanking is a Microfinance management software set up by Aquadev.
- Latest news on CRA
- Another link on community banking in the US
- CDFA Community Develpment Finance Association, a trade association for community development finance association in UK
- ESOPE project on local social venture / risk capital
- International Labour Organisation (social finance Unit)
- The Institute for Social Banking offers different, individually coordinated university courses in the field of ethical-ecological, socially motivated finance and banking. The target group for these university courses are people who are interested in looking into, researching and studying issues and questions concerning alternative uses of money. Uses of money which are based on the concrete awareness and responsibility for social, ethical issues and the environment.
- Institut Für Finanzdienstleistungen Key German based European and Global social finance research institute
- New Economics Foundation key UK research and advocacy NGO. Areas of work include community finance, social accounting, indicators, community visioning / development
- The CRA Handbook Everything you need to know about CRA (McGraw-Hill, 1998)
- Woodstock Institute key not for profit research institute in the USA
Social Economy
- Cecop Confédération Européenne des Coopératives de Production et de Travail Associé, des Coopératives Sociales et des Entreprises Participatives – European Confederation of Workers’ Co-operatives, Social Cooperatives and Participative Enterprises
- Chantier d’économie sociale, Québec
- CJDES Centre des Jeunes dirigeants de l’Economie Sociale, France
- CRES PACA La Chambre Régionale de l’Economie Sociale a pour objet de promouvoir l’économie sociale, d’en affirmer et faire connaître la spécificité en Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. Elle a récemment développé un site dédié à l’économie sociale en région PACA qui contient de nombreuses informations et liens (acteurs, finances solidaires etc…)
- CSR Center: global portal for students in corporate responsibility and sustainability. The goal of CSR Center is to create a focal point for CSR-related knowledge, students and practice
- ETHIBEL is an independent consultancy agency for socially responsible investments that advices banks and brokers offering ethical savings accounts and investment funds
- EMMES Réseau d’Universités et de Centres de recherche sur l’Émergence d’Entreprises Sociales en Europe – A European Universities and research Centres network on the Emergence of Social Enterprises in Europe
- Fundacion para el Fomento de la Economia Social – Foundation for the Promotion of the Social Economy (Spain – website in Spanish, brochure available in Spanish, English, and French)
- Johns Hopkins Comparative Non-profit Sector Project The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project is a systematic effort to analyze the scope, structure, financing, and role of the private nonprofit sector in a cross-section of countries around the world in order to improve our knowledge and enrich our theoretical understanding of this sector, and to provide a sounder basis for both public and private action towards it
- International Co-operative Association – includes information and research on co-operative banking and Credit Unions
- Mondragon homepage (Spain)
- SCOP Entreprises (site web de la Confédération générale des sociétés coopératives de production en France)
- Social Enterprise Coalition, national body for social enterprise in the UK. They have developed an extensive website with a range of support resources, including links publications, local resources, etc…all for social enterprises in the UK.
INAISE is not responsible for the content, accuracy or any other aspect of sites listed here, or sites who have links to the INAISE site. Such links do not imply support or approval by INAISE of any such organisation. To submit a link, or request an exchange, please contact