September 28, 2021 – The ecological and social transition from theory to practice: challenges here and elsewhere

Ecological transition is a concept that we hear more and more about. But to meet the objectives of sustainable development shouldn’t this transition also be accompanied by a major change in the economic model, which must no longer be based solely on economic performance but also on social impacts?

During this session, several panelists discussed the challenges of ecological and social transition from a local and international point of view.

Following the discussions between the panelists and with the participants, several elements were highlighted.

To discover the summary of the session as well as the links that were shard in the chat, please click here:


Several initiatives were also presented, notably UBTEC / Naam in Burkina Faso, the Caisse d’économie solidaire in Quebec, the UNDP as well as Ecotierra.

To discover the initiatives presented, click here:


You can also download the PowerPoint presentation that was presented during the contextualization.

The references of the works mentioned are as follows:

To download the presentation, click here (in French):

PPT Presentation

Video of the session


Milder Villegas


Milder Villegas is a Quebecois of Peruvian origin. He holds a MBA from UQAM and has over 25 years of experience in the field of finance, both traditional and solidarity finance. His career has led him to sit on many boards of organizations evolving in economic and social development. Since 2011, he is the General Director of Filaction, a development fund that supports Quebec SMEs, particularly in the areas of social economy, culture, tourism and diversity entrepreneurship. He is motivated by values of inclusion and access to opportunities regardless of race or socioeconomic profile. During his career, he has always been the promoter of alternative and innovative solutions that make the difference. In May 2015, he was appointed President of the International Association of Investors in the Social Economy (INAISE), an international network of some forty financial institutions around the world. He is also a board member of the International Free Software Association and CIRIEC Canada (Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research and Information Center).

Louis Favreau

Emeritus professor
University of Quebec in Outaouais, CRDC and Fonds Solidarité Sud

Doctor in sociology, specialist in local development and local economies, Louis Favreau is professor emeritus at the University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO), holder of a research chair (CRDC) and author of several books on the transition ecological economy. For 12 years, he has also chaired an international solidarity organization, the Fonds Solidarité Sud.

Belissa Rojas

Impact Measurement and Management Lead | SDG Impact Team

Ms. Rojas brings over 20 years of experience in sustainability and international development, advising private sector organizations, impact investors, development banks, and foundations on how to professionalize their impact management and measurement practices. As UN SDG Impact, IMM lead, Belissa works on advancing the adoption of the SDG Impact Standards including strategic engagement, training delivery and advisory. The Standards enable investments and enterprises to set managements systems, policies and practices aiming at contributing positively to sustainable development. Her projects include working with IDB Lab on the design of an ESG & impact measurement and management (IMM) tool for early-stage ventures with the potential to generate impact on a large scale, assessing ES Risk reporting best practices for DFIs, co-leading an initiative to support venture capital funds in the development of their IMM practices with IMP Impact Frontiers initiative, among others. She is also leading an initiative with On Think Tanks (OTT) and International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to bring cross-sector knowledge, policy, and economic expertise from local think tanks to the impact investing industry in Latin America and Africa.

Martin-Pierre Nombré

Strategic Development Director
Caisse d’économie solidaire

With his diverse experience, Mr. Nombré headed the Autonomous Federation of Education for 12 years. Previously, he notably acted as social development coordinator at the Conference of elected officials of Montreal, director general of the Alliance of cultural communities for equality (ACCESS) and social development coordinator at the Community Economic Development Corporation ( CDEC) Center-Sud − Plateau-Mont-Royal. His skills as a communicator and unifier are appreciated by those who build with him.

Abdou-Rasmané Ouédraogo


Holder of a Masters in Management of Microfinance Institutions from the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC) and a Masters in Economics and Management of Companies and Organizations from the University of Ouagadougou, Mr. OUEDRAOGO Abdou-Rasmané is currently CEO of UBTEC / Naam after having working in the same institution as Credit Advisor, Head of Network Portfolio, Director of Operations and Training. In addition to his function of CEO, Mr. OUEDRAOGO has been Secretary General of the Professional Association of Decentralized Financial Systems of Burkina Faso (AP / SFD-BF) since 2017 and, since 2016, Program Manager of the Transition to Peasant Agro-Ecology project in Food Sovereignty service funded by International Solidarity for Development and Investment (SIDI), the Catholic Committee for the Fight against Hunger and for Development (CCFD) and the French Development Agency (AFD).