The KNFP contributed to the training of several actors involved in Haitian rural finance thank to its
mobile training institute (IMOFOR).
The majority of trained actors are involved in decentralized local structures.
The KNFP carried out studies aiming at clarifying the situation of rural finance in Haiti.
The more important are: the current situation and recent evolutions of rural finance in Haiti and the
situation of the households in Lacoma (North West), Gros Morne (Artibonite) and Grand Rivière du Nord
The objective of these studies was to find indicators enabling a better follow-up of the households having
used the finance tools set up by the members of KNFP so that they can improve their work and the work
of KNFP and better serve rural households.
The publication of the results together with other publications and the organisation of round tables is part
of KNFP policy who wants to improve the circulation and dissemination of information on rural areas to
favour transparency and to get out of harmful confidentiality.
Created in 1998, the National Council of popular financing is an Haitian association which has today nine
members. It works for the promotion and the reinforcement of the popular financing in Haiti with a
positioning marked for the rural area.
Once a year, the KNFP organizes a General Meeting composed of nine delegates to decide on the
organization policy.
A Board of directors of five members watches over the practical realization of the decided policy. The
daily management is carried out by the staff of a co-ordination office which is the executive part of the
The members :
Network of institutions engaged in decentralized financing in rural areas.
The KNFP mainly works in three fields:
1. the training of the main players in rural financing (members of field committees and professionals in
decentralized financing) thanks to its mobile training institute (IMOFOR)
2. the defence and the promotion of rural financing
3. improvement of the financial services given in the country and particularly in the rural area, through
the setting up of places of exchanges and reflection on the problems of rural financing.
Country : -
Type of member : Full membership
Type of organization : Social finance institution
Website : http://www.knfp.org